She / Her

Nicole Johnston

Hi Everyone! I am from Nashville and have lived in Decatur for the last 4 years. I graduated from the University of Tennessee building a career in marketing, but about 7 years ago, I decided I wanted to do something more to help people. That is when I found my passion in the health and fitness space. I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer with additional certifications including pre/postnatal training. I believe the best type of movement is the movement you enjoy so in addition to strength training, I also love hiking, yoga and kickboxing. Other activities I enjoy include reading and traveling!

More About Nicole

Nicole's Fitness Journey

I began my fitness journey with the main goal to get stronger. Though I do still focus on increasing my strength, my focus has evolved to a fitness routine that supports my hobbies outside of the gym like hiking.

What Body Positive Means to Nicole

Body Positivity to me means accepting your body at all stages and abilities. Each person's body is unique and everyone deserves to embrace their individuality.

Favorite Song

A Movie Script Ending by Death Cab for Cutie